The texture of shrimp cooked in the Instant Pot is such a pleasant surprise: You'd think the shrimp might be tough or mushy, but it's firm, tender, and...
I promise, this is the EASIEST risotto you will ever make right in your pressure cooker without any stirring or any kind of fuss! The risotto comes out...
How do you cook perfect potatoes in the Instant Pot? Find out how to make a big batch and use them all week long for potato salad, breakfast skillets,...
Butternut squash is one of my all-time favorite ingredients. It has a beautiful orange color, is very filling, is great for heart health, and perhaps best...
Healthy, whole-grain barley made in an Instant Pot. Made with just barley, water, and a few spices, this is a staple recipe that just keeps on giving....
Make easy homemade chicken stock in the Instant Pot. It's way better than anything from the store and superfast. This pressure cooker chicken stock recipe...
Risotto made easy in the Instant Pot with half the effort and ALL the flavor! This shrimp risotto comes together in just 35 minutes and is gluten free,...
This Creamy Chicken and Gnocchi Soup is made using the Instant Pot and is an Olive Garden favorite. This recipe makes enough to feed the family and tastes...
Make quick chicken soup in the pressure cooker! This classic recipe is made with whole chicken (or chicken pieces), carrots, onions, and celery, and it's...
Corned beef and cabbage is a classic St. Patrick's Day meal. Make it even easier by cooking the corned beef, cabbage, carrots, and potatoes in the Instant...
This delicious recipe is my spin on a Three Sisters Soup. Three Sisters refers to a companion planting technique used for planting beans, corn and squash...
Lazy lasagna is all of the lasagna ingredients, but no messing around with boiling noodles, making sauce, and then baking it. Oh, and 4 minute pressure...
Extra tender Instant Pot Beef Tips is the ultimate comfort food with tender chunks of beef smothered in a rich brown gravy. Serve this dish over mashed...
Instant Pot Chicken and Gravy is just that, perfectly cooked chicken in record time smothered in a flavorful gravy perfect for rice or mashed potatoes....
These Instant Pot poached eggs are the best. Made in the Instant Pot and done in less than 10 minutes. Great to serve with toast, on top of avocado toast,...
Instant Pot Jambalaya is a comforting meal that can be made in under an hour and feeds an army of people. Makes for perfect leftovers for lunch or even...
This Instant Pot chicken tortilla soup is loaded with shredded chicken, tomatoes, corn, and beans. Cook it fast in the pressure cooker! Serve with avocado,...
Taco Tuesday just got a whole lot more interesting (and simple!) with these Instant Pot Steak Fajitas. Simple to make and perfectly tender, these steak...
Instant Pot Guinness Beef Stew! All the flavor of a slow-cooked stew, done in a fraction of the time in the pressure cooker. Made with beef stew meat,...
Shoyu pork in the Instant Pot is the perfect sweet, salty, umami flavor around. Chunks of pork pressure cooked to just the right tenderness. Great easy...
In addition to looking darn adorable, these Instant Pot egg bites are super delicious and fast to make in the Instant Pot. Just like Starbucks egg bites,...
Asopao is a Puerto Rican stew that is considered to be Puerto Rico's national dish. Like many traditional recipes, every family has their own way of making...
This Instant Pot Pasta with Meat Sauce is a simple healthy dinner where the pasta is cooked along with the meat sauce making a one pot meal in under 30...
Easy instant pot alfredo will become your new favorite one pot pasta recipe. You can make creamy and perfect fettucini alfredo in just 20 minutes in a...
These 3 ingredient chicken tacos are so easy to make and so tasty - the perfect meal for those busy weeknights. A 30 minute meal in your Instant Pot (from...